Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

7th Insight

April 15, 2005

Informs how certain thoughts come as guidance. When filling up with energy, try to experience a feeling of closeness or connection, no matter how far away an object is, then breathe it in. When truly connected, you should feel an emotion of love. Afterwards, thoughts or intuitions appear, sometimes in a day-dream or mini-vision that come to direct or guide you. When you have acquired enough energy, you can consciously engage evolution by thinking of imminent questions, which produce the coincidences that lead to the answers. These questions always pertain to your larger question and define where you currently are in your lifelong quest. Once you get the questions right, the answers always come.

Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing. You need to compare the story of a dream to the story of your life. Day-dreams guide us by showing us a scene, a happening which means the event may happen. When a thought comes, we must ask why did this particular thought come now? How does it relate to my life questions? Bad dreams have the most important messages. Becoming an observer, helps us release our need to control everything, placing us in the flow of evolution. However, fearful images or thoughts should be discarded immediately, they do not come from love.

After you have gained the ability to focus on the positive, negative warnings should be taken very seriously and not followed. We engage the process by keeping our current life questions firmly in mind and then watch for direction, either in a dream or an intuitive thought. One has attained the 7th insight when he or she can see these answers as they arrive. Even unaware people can stumble into solutions and see coincidences in retrospect. It heightens everyday experience. Every event happens for a reason particularly the challenges that contain a message pertaining to our question.

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  1. At the beginning when aquiring the 7th insight we should immediatedly substitute negative thoughts for positive ones

    After this,,,,I agree with the statement,,,”After you have gained the ability to focus on the positive,,,negative warnings should be taken very seriously
    and ”
    ,,,,,at this point I would say,,,,,they should be followed,,,,the warnings that is

    Thankyou for your blog here,,,,,because I have read this it is clear to me that I need to address this issue……………………………………………………
    I need perhaps to consult the ‘guide book’ and see if it can help me to learn ‘how’ to initially substitute positive thoughts for negative ones………………………………………………………………………………..

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