Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

The Teachings Of Abraham

September 16, 2010

Subtitle: Is a higher IQ required to understand spiritual philosophies?

Just finished designing a website for the spiritual fiction writer Frances O’Brien (A Benevolent Virus) and mentioned that I was reading a book on cosmic ordering (Stephen Richards). She said she knew there was a reason her husband forgot the cheque book the day before and suggested I lend ‘The Teachings Of Abraham’ an audio box-set featuring 11 cds by Esther & Jerry Hicks.

It’s primarily based on the law of attraction / cosmic ordering / manifesting reality (whatever you prefer to call it). Teaching how we are creating our world / life through our thoughts / focus. Esther Hicks channels what she describes as infinite intelligence, non-physical consciousness or source energy. She chooses to call it/them Abraham. Like whoever/whatever is speaking to Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations With God, Abraham also cracks jokes. It seems a sense of humour is universally important. “Workshop attendee: “. . . you’re a very attractive woman, too.” Abraham: “We’re usually a nebulous mist, so that is quite a compliment.”

I just wonder if I had a higher IQ, whether things would make more sense. It’s hard graft trying to understand the answers to all the questions about life, death & everything else e.g. Have you read Conversations With God? It’s all about things being dualistic or paradoxal. Everything is & it isn’t. I guess I need to accept that I will never completely understand (well as long as I’m alive) how it all comes together & to cut myself some slack. But I do find exploring spiritual, philosophical, sociological theories fascinating despite being heavy to digest. Hoping to go on a short psychology course next, followed by a foundation course in art therapy.

Anyway, I expressed my frustration on a social networking site and a couple of friends commented: “Hope you find a new perspective on life & co. the key is to deal with the questions, not to find any answers. On a side note, i doubt a higher IQ helps on any of those issues, quite the contrary…” (Michael Spranger) and “Any questions that really don’t make much sense are probably Zen and are therefore posed to make you grow and not to provoke an answer. Interestingly, the brain gets better the more that you cogitate.” (Simon Morice)

Anyway, I continued to listen and felt Abraham started to address some of the questions that they provoked in me, which was actually causing my confusion / conflict (e.g. regarding selfishness vs helping others). It’s interesting but am not sure the teachings resonate with me as strongly as CWG for example. That seems to have a more eclectic philosophy (I actually prefer the yin yang-ness of it e.g. you experience sadness to truly know happiness etc) whereas this seems to be based on one main idea e.g. LOA (I never liked that term). Abraham even said something like “you have questions… we only have one answer you know.”

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