Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet

Thiaoouba Prophecy by Michel Desmarquet is a mind-blowing non-fiction book about a man abducted by aliens who are actually highly evolved human beings living in a spiritually advanced civilisation. They call earth ‘the planet of sorrows’ and are concerned about the human race and offer advice and warnings on how we should proceed and evolve. […]

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Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

The Internet: One Giant Brain?

The Internet, One Giant Brain? Recently, I have been thinking about how the internet is like a giant mass of consciousness. I have increasingly added my thoughts here and there, either via forums or weblogs. And also driven creativity and passion into my websites, which gives me a euphoric buzz. It’s interesting to think that […]

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