Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

What The Bleep Do We Know?

March 26, 2015

What The Bleep Do We Know?

"The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing." – Socrates

Science & Religion – The Great Divorce
In the 17th Century, we saw the universe as a living, vibrant entity but Descartes & Newton using science & maths solidified the concept of a non-living world of inanimate objects. They applied the model of a predictable, mechanical clock or wind-up toy to living systems. The universe was seen as a machine that operated according to laws of nature. The idea was if we understood the parts or components, we would understand the whole system. However, they believed God was the master architect or builder. Newton wrote, "Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind."
Descartes considered the human body a machine, "There is nothing included in the concept of body that belongs to the mind" and vice versa. He divided them, whereas Newton linked the falling of an apple and the motion of a planet to discover the force of gravity. The scientific method is important ("making known the unknown") because it removes the prejudices of the observer to provide a true representation as our understanding limits our options e.g. people thought the world was flat & if they explored they would fall off the edge. There is no such thing as a wrong or failed experiment because it teaches us something. "What I thought was reality was only an approximation – I now have a better one."
In the 20th Century, the founders of quantum physics found that if you probe deeply enough into matter, it dissolves into unfathomable energy. Hence, it is not a material universe at all. The universe is essentially non-physical and may arise from a field that is more subtle than energy itself, which looks more like information intelligence or consciousness than matter. It suggests reality is mostly empty, like waves of insubstantial nothing & asks how can a particle be in two places at once? What if mind & matter are not split? What if there are observable feedback loops between the two? Does prayer promote healing? Are you able to affect physical reality with your mind? Can you perceive things outside space & time?
Paradigm Shift (Pronounced paradime)
A paradigm is a set of unquestioned unconscious assumptions or a belief system; part of our modus operandi (way we operate). Hidden beneath the surface are beliefs about our self-worth and competence. A paradigm is like the unconscious belief system of a culture and we think and act accordingly. It is the most commonly accepted notion. New scientific information (e.g. relativity theory, quantum mechanics, thoughts & emotions influencing our bodies, ESP, near death experiences etc) is appearing that cannot be explained using the old mechanical model. It is composed of solid, material, building blocks and assumes that the only valid approach to gaining knowledge is to banish all feelings & subjectivity and become entirely rational & objective.
Nature becomes a resource to control & exploit rather than an organic living system. It becomes a dead universe with inevitable outcomes. The motion of planets is predictable and behaviour of objects quantifiable. If there's no freedom, choice or consciousness, if the path is completely determined, what's the point? If we are just little clocklike, wind-up soldiers in a tick tock universe, then why should it concern us what happens outside of ourselves? It's this separatist attitude that makes it easy to bomb people, deplete resources and destitute the world for future generations. There is an emerging shift in our shared view from thinking of the universe as dead to alive, that we are connected to everything and how consciousness, intention, emotion, mind or spirit can effect physical reality.
What Is Reality?
Do you think the decisions you make are based on reality or your assumption of it? What are your assumptions of reality? Most people think it's what our senses project to us and the old scientific view agrees; if it is not perceivable by our five senses then it's not real. Are our thoughts part of reality? All the objects around you were preceded by an idea; windows & chairs were imagined, then created. So if the latter is real, is the idea real too? Most people think thoughts & emotions are real but scientists avoid those terms when exploring reality.
Consciousness is a fundamental part of our existence. We need to be conscious in order to do anything, to think, to dream, to create, to perceive. But where is it and what is it made of? Unlike material objects, intangible phenomena like consciousness cannot be measured but that does not mean they are not real. Reality is only the construct of our limitations; you have to be willing to dream outside of them. What do I truly desire that I do not believe I can have or become? The only solid thing in my reality is my perception of it.
What is the stuff around us made of? Atoms consist mostly of empty space, which makes it odd that we do not hit the floor every time we sit on a chair. However, the space is not empty at all because an area the size of a marble contains more energy than all the solid matter in the known universe. Both Hindu and Buddhist seers teach that the world of appearances, what we see with our senses is maya or illusion and that something underlies this material realm, something more fundamental, powerful, real, even though it is intangible.
This is precisely what quantum physics is revealing. At the core there is a completely non-physical realm, whether we call it information, probability waves or consciousness. Matter is completely insubstantial; it's more like a thought, a concentrated bit of information. The universe is intelligent. Consciousness is fundamental & energy matter is the product. We need to see ourselves as eternal beings creating our physical experience. Let's suppose that our world "out there" is constructed by our perception. We need to change what is "in here" to effect reality.
German philosopher Emmanuel Kant thought human beings can never truly know the nature of reality as it is. Our investigations only provide answers to the questions we ask based on the capabilities & limitations of our minds. We only see our construction of reality, phenomena; the "thing-in-itself" is forever hidden from us. Science only gives us models of the world, not the world itself. We are always constrained by what is coming into our brain that allows us to see & perceive the things we do. So it is conceivable that all of this is just a great illusion that we cannot get outside of to view.
Every action we do assumes something about reality but we seldom consciously question it. We assume and reality complies. There are different levels (surface & deeper) existing simultaneously. Arms & legs, cells & molecules, atoms & electrons and consciousness are all real. Is reality a democratic process? At what point in agreement with those around us does something happen? We vote with our actions. It's all fuzzy like probabilities until we interact with reality and then it becomes rock solid existence.
Sight & Perception
The brain perceives, not the eyes. It turns electrical impulses into basic shapes, colours & patterns and paints a picture which is flashed to the frontal lobe; we don't even see continuously. Using CAT scans, scientists have found that not only does the brain not distinguish between seeing & imagining (the same areas are activated), it does not seem to know the difference between an action performed & an act visualised. It has to screen out a huge amount of extraneous information to function i.e. we ignore the chair we are sitting on. If we see something we cannot identify, we grab onto something similar. If there is nothing close or it's something we know is not real, we discard it with "I must have been imagining things." So we do not actually perceive reality; we see the image of reality that our brain has built up out of sensory input, plus countless associations drawn from our experiences.
It is not only what we believe is real but how we feel about what are senses are picking up that determines how & if we are going to perceive it. Our emotions decide what is worth paying attention to. They are designed to chemically reinforce something into our long-term memory & linked to visual processing for evolution purposes i.e. fight or flight. Once we remove info that is unreal (martians) & irrelevant (smell of shampoo), emotions give the remaining info its relative weight or importance. We see what we want to believe & turn away from things that are unfamiliar or unpleasant. So how do we ever perceive anything new? We need to expand our knowledge & perception about what is possible & ground it in experience. Someone can describe what it's like to eat a peach but you will not know until you bite into it. We need to "stalk oneself" to learn our own habits like studying prey so you can trap yourself. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” We create the world we perceive. 
Quantum Physics
Newtonian physics still works well to explain large macroscopic objects but quantum mechanics is required for the subatomic world. Quantum means amount or quantity & is used to denote the smallest unit of any physical property such as energy or matter. Quantum theory has revealed that particles can be in 2 places (or even 3000) at once. It may appear to be a particle locatable in one place or a wave spread over space & time. Einstein said nothing can travel faster than the speed of light but subatomic particles seem to communicate instantaneously over any expanse.
Classic physics was deterministic: given a set of conditions (position & velocity), you could determine with certainty where a particle would go but quantum physics is probabilistic: you can never know with absolute certainty what will happen. Classic physics was reductionist: by knowing the separate parts, you can understand the whole whereas the new physics is more organic & holistic where the universe is a unified whole with parts that are interconnected & influential.
Quantum physics has erased the Cartesian (Descartes philosophy) distinction between subject & object, observer & observed. The observer actually influences the object observed. As waves, electrons or photons (particles of light) have no precise location but exist as "probability fields." As particles, the probability field collapses into a solid object locatable in a specific time & place. Unmeasured, unobserved electrons behave as waves but as soon as we observe them in an experiment, they collapse into a locatable particle. This phenomenon (solidified by Schrodinger) is known as the wave equation or wavicle.
When electrons move from orbit to orbit around the nucleus of an atom, they move instantaneously, they disappear & reappear and this is called a quantum jump. Reality is constantly being created out of a state of multiple possibilities called superposition. It is like flipping a coin in a dark room. Even after it has landed on the table, we can't say whether it's heads or tails until the light goes on. Measurement of the wave collapses the superposition into a fixed state. The Uncertainty Principle or Indeterminacy formulated by Heinsenberg states that on the quantum level, no matter how hard you try, you cannot get a precise measurement of both velocity & position.
Einstein disliked quantum physics & its randomness, "God does not play dice with the universe." To which Bohr responded, "Stop telling God what to do!" Einstein & others (EPR) attempted to show how ridiculous quantum theory was by its implication that if you shot 2 entangled particles to opposite sides of the universe & changed the state of one particle, the other would correspond instantaneously. However, Bell's Theorem actually confirmed that something existing in one place is incorrect, everything is non-local. Particles are intimately linked on a level that is beyond time & space, which defies common sense; this is called entanglement.
Every human being has the ability to observe & change subatomic reality. The effect of observation is usually referred to as the measurement problem. Does the observer need to be conscious? If a dog watches an experiment on electrons, will that collapse the wave function? The fly on the wall that sits there not influencing things cannot exist. We are not objective witnesses. The Copenhagen Interpretation & Bohr contented that the particles themselves do not even come into existence until we observe them. "It's not only that you cannot measure it (velocity & location). It isn't an it until it's an observed it." Whereas Heisenberg (& Einstein) thought there were its already out there; attributes do not hang in limbo waiting for an experimenter's measurement to bring them into existence.
Reality is unset jelly, there is a big indeterminate sludge out there that is our potential life & by our act of involvement, noticing, observation, we mould it & get it to set. In his many worlds theory, Hugh Everett proposed rather than the wave function collapsing into one outcome, every possible outcome will actualise. The universe will split into as many versions of itself as needed to accommodate all possible results, which gives rise to the notion of innumerable parallel universes.
John Von Neumann formulated 3 processes: 1) was the decision by the observer to pose a question to the quantum world, the choice limiting the modes of response, 2) was the evolving state of the wave equation, probability unfolding or evolving and 3) was the quantum state "collapsing the very small." Hence one decision by the observer makes a measurement. Neorealism led by Einstein or the hidden variable interpretation states the paradoxes of quantum mechanics suggest that the theory is simply incomplete or flawed. We just need to discover the missing factors.
We have a sense that there is an observer somewhere inside each of us watching, "the still small voice within". Whereas it is often passive, science suggests that observation is active. Any measurement or acquisition of information changes the physical system. We need to focus to make big things happen as well as small; visualise to summon opportunities. Become more observant of what goes on inside and use it to change our perception of the outside. Observe & choose instead of react & regret. Memories or impressions are activated every time we encounter or experience a repeated stimulus, which formulates a pattern of habits. We always perceive something via reflections in memory. Hence: Memory (past) – Perception – Observation = (affecting) Reality.
We are all aware, conscious beings; we feel something is driving or animating our bodies but many scientists who are wedded to the materialist / Newtonian paradigm dismiss consciousness as a product of brain functioning. They call it epiphenomenon, which means a side effect or by-product, even an anomaly. This suggests the me sense is an accident of evolution and goes away after death. Why is so little known about it? It's like looking for your glasses while they are sat on your nose; it's always there & taken for granted. Plus scientists have been more interested in out there, than in here. Even if we turn our attention inward, it has been on the content: dreams, plans etc than on consciousness itself. We're interested in the images of the film but forget about the screen.
It cannot be measured which makes it difficult to understand, scientists only have brain chemistry & neural circuits. Research has revealed 7 states of consciousness. Beyond waking, dreaming & sleeping, there is a pure, deeply settled, silent state of unbounded awareness. Although a different nature to solid objects, electromagnetic fields were eventually accepted as part of the fabric of the universe, so hopefully consciousness, an even subtler level of reality than forces or fields, will be too. The scientific model stated that everything could be reduced to matter or energy (matter is a form of energy). Rather than being a by-product, religious traditions maintain that consciousness is fundamental (like space & time) & energy-matter is the product.
Coincidences, near death experiences, past-life regression, remote viewing, intention experiments, miraculous healings & prophetic dreams all challenge traditional views. Consciousness is an awareness, an inner life of experience, a sequence of discrete events which separates us from robots or zombies who despite displaying complex behaviour are not conscious. At the beginning of the universe, pure consciousness, the unified field seeing itself created the 3-fold structure of the observer, observed & process of observation & hence at the deepest level of reality, consciousness creates creation. If consciousness is the first cause, why is it compelled to experience reality?
Mind Over Matter
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become." – Buddha
We know that matter affects mind e.g. if you drop a large piano on your foot, it will alter your mental state. Matter is the solid, substantial stuff whereas mind is the ephemeral, empty stuff, right? However, there is much evidence for mind over matter. One example is Random Event Generator experiments (REG) or random number generators that focus on intention. They are based on a single quantum event or many cascading events and typically noise that electronic circuits generate. You can rely on the machine to record your observations, eliminating human error. One experiment conducted 100s of times is a random generator that produces a sequence of ones & zeros and asks a person to try to make it produce more of the former. Somehow intention correlates with the operation or output. The odds against chance are 50,000 to 1.
The Global Consciousness Project have found graphs spike above the usual 50/50 flatness at moments of significance like 9/11. Prayers & thoughts can affect reality regardless of where they originate. An Intention Imprinting Electron Device (IIED) was constructed, four highly qualified meditators cleansed the environment and one spoke the specific intention for the device e.g. to increase the pH of water by a unit etc. There were also control devices wrapped in foil which were not imprinted & marked contrasts were seen between results. There is a less than 1000 to 1 chance the change would have occurred naturally.
Dr Masaru Emoto's book 'The Hidden Messages In Water' shows photographs of frozen water crystals after they have been subjected to non-physical stimuli such as music & thoughts. He put positive & negative messages on bottles of water & they generated corresponding beautiful or ugly, malformed crystals. Between 70 & 90% of our bodies is water. If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what they can do to us. Dualism pervades these concepts: subject / object, in here / out there, science / spirit, consciousness / reality. According to Ramtha, mind over matter is still a dualistic way of seeing reality, you must see mind AS matter. How about matter & mind both as information? The dream from Newton of a divided universe is over, the world is non-dual.
Consciousness Creates Reality
Do I create my reality? Common sense dictates while you create some events e.g. what to have for breakfast, who to marry, it seems a stretch that you had anything to do with a tree falling on a car. It generates questions such as "If I create & you create & they're different, what then?" "But I would never create this!" "Do coincidences exist?" "Does a starving child create that?" What about natural disasters?" They tie into concepts of karma, personal responsibility & victimisation. The view that the world exists 'out there' independent of us can no longer be upheld. According to John Wheeler, "We are not simply bystanders on a cosmic stage but shapers & creators living in a participatory universe."
We have a habit of thinking everything around us is already a thing, existing without our input or choice. You have to recognise that even the material world around us, the chairs, tables, rooms, carpet are nothing but possible movements of consciousness and I am choosing to bring my actual experience into manifestation. With the death of dualism, there is no cause, everything is interdependent. Mind = matter AND Consciousness = reality. It seems our egotistical selves are not creating reality, it comes from a special, non-ordinary state of being.
We may not manifest our whims instantly because we would probably destroy ourselves with a fleeting thought e.g. Forbidden Planet. The lack of immediate gratification protects us from ourselves. There was an experiment where people ate something decadent. Those who felt guilt & shame experienced a decrease in their immune function whereas those who savoured & enjoyed their treat had a surge in immune status. The French drink wine, smoke cigarettes, eat pasties & live to ripe old age, healthy, thin & happy. This proves how attitude is everything. We must stop working "mass to mass", creating by pushing physical things physically, instead of on a subtle level and letting go.
I Create My Reality?
Your intentions for the day or your default decision not to set any intentions but to float on through, affect what you do & what you experience. Your life does not just happen but is based on the choices you make every day. But how far does that life-making extend? As far as that chance meeting with the partner of your dreams? Winning the lottery? We are reality-producing machines. If we take info from a small knowledge base, we have a small reality & vice versa.
Who am I? It's obvious the I ordering a coffee in the morning is the egotistic personality, not the transcendental, immortal self. Most folks reject the idea when something bad occurs that they would absolutely, positively, never create; the personality may not but the higher self might. As all spiritual traditions maintain, there is more than one you. This divine schizophrenia goes by many labels: ego / true self, personality / divinity, mortal body / immortal soul. The goal of enlightenment is to erase this fragmentation of self & create from one source. Accepting that "I create…" is an amazing tool for expansion. Every time you reject your part in creating reality, you reject or deny a part of yourself. Things you must experience to grow might not be the choice of your ego / personality.
The Newtonian view features cause & effect but the non-dualistic, connected, entangled view is different. Action or thought (which are the same thing) endorse your reality & there is an associated vibration or frequency which is reflected back. The transmitter & receiver are tuned to the same frequency. People, places, times & events are nothing but reflections of your signature vibrations. The hidden, repressed parts are reflected back continuously too until we understand them. You are the causal / participatory force in every aspect of your life. Avoid being a victim & claiming situations happened unfairly & unwarranted. Take responsibility for your decisions or you will become disempowered; make your own circumstances.
Coincidence or co-incident? It seems to be we have an intention & leave it open for the universe to decide how it is done. Cooperate by focussing on the result & let the universe supply details. Scan possibilities, then focus on collapsing the chosen one. Ramtha: "No masters worth their salt ever let the day happen to them; rather, they create their day." This exercise involves waking up & before you try to remember who you are with all your doubts & limitations, remember what you wanted to be & imagine the extraordinary & astounding. Instead of creating from the personality (existing habits & neuronets), take advantage of the no-self or new-self which allows you to manifest something new. We are powerful magicians. If you believe & accept something absolutely, it will happen because reality accommodates precisely to our intent but there is often a degree of doubt that hides behind affirmations. Until those conflicts are eliminated, Luke Skywalker's X-wing fighter stays in the swamp.
Quantum Brain
Is consciousness merely a product of the brain, an emergent property of biological activity? When enough neurones fire, producing a high level of computational complexity? This view is known as materialism. Is the brain just a biological computer? How are we different from machines? Would artificial intelligence be conscious, learn, have free will? Or is consciousness independent of the brain as experienced in out-of-body experiences? The brain ceases to function yet consciousness continues to remain awake. According to dualism, consciousness & matter both exist but operate in different realms. In the 1600s, Descartes divided res cogitans (spirt & thought / abstract & intangible) from res extensa (material & things / solid & tangible). There can be no reciprocal action between them.
Whereas according to idealism, consciousness is the fundamental reality. Everything is connected & made of the same stuff, just manifesting in different frequencies, vibrations or densities. In the 1st view consciousness is afforded no identity, in the 2nd, it is cut off from interacting with the material world. What are the mechanisms by which consciousness becomes thought, perception & feeling and appears as electrical or chemical activity in the brain? Hameroff & Penrose proposed that consciousness comes about when superpositions of microtubules in neurons in the brain reach a certain threshold & then spontaneously collapse. He called these objective reductions (ORs). They convert multiple possibilities at the preconscious, unconscious or subconscious level to perceptions or choices on the conscious level. Consciousness is not continuous but a sequence of a-ha moments (40xs a second).
Are memories actually stored in the brain? If you remove part of the brain where a memory appears to be located, the memory may still persist. So is it stored at the planck scale (the smallest distance that can be defined) or the akashic records. The brain might just serve as an instrument to pull the memories out of the universe. As if something inside your head is connecting to a super highway of information independent of time & space, which we can access & may influence us. According to Dr Stapp, "By virtue of the quantum laws of motion, a strong intention, manifested by the high rapidity of similar intentional acts will tend to hold in place the associated template for action." This 'holding-in-place' is called the Quantum Zeno Effect. By continually holding the same intention & by posing the same question to the universe over & over, we change the quantum probability away from randomness. This allows strong mental effort to influence brain activity.
Brain 101
Nerve cells that fire together, wire together. If you keep repeating a behaviour, those habits become hardwired in the brain. The connection gets stronger, more established, like forging a path. This can be advantageous when learning (intellectual data & experience) via practice but disadvantageous if trying to break a pattern. However, the brain is plastic & can change, adapt & rewire itself. You need to interrupt the habitual mental or physical processes to break down the relationship between connected nerve cells; visualise the neuronets pulling away & disappearing.
Emotions are designed so they chemically reinforce memories. Emotional neuronets are connected to a small organ in the brain called the hypothalamus, which takes proteins & synthesises them into neuropeptides (hormones). Situations are evaluated quickly without thinking & chemicals released preparing our bodies for action e.g. fight or flight. The downside of associative memory is we perceive new experiences based primarily on our stored database of the past to create a perpetual Groundhog Day. All the emotions, memories, concepts & attitudes are encoded / interconnected neurologically to form the personality.
Neuroplasticity is the term for the brain's ability to make new connections. The brain is not only very plastic & malleable but it also creates new cells. The frontal lobe enables us to focus attention & concentrate, draw information from our environment, process it & make different decisions. But many choices are far from free; much of our behaviour consists of conditioned or automatic responses to stimuli. We need to stand back, observe & make more conscious decisions, to create instead of merely respond. It's important to sustain the thought & intention if you want to make a transformation occur.
Emotions & Addictions
Cells have opiate receptors that chemicals dock to & neuropeptides called endorphins are naturally generated in the brain. Neuropeptides & their receptors are thought of as the molecules of emotion (MOEs). Every emotion we feel produces chemicals, a chain of amino acids, made up of proteins manufactured in the hypothalamus & the absorption gives rise to the feeling. What drives human evolution is to find pleasure & avoid pain. We pay attention to what is important or what has the most meaning & this is chemically conveyed by these molecules of emotion.
We cannot see the world objectively as our appraisal / interpretation is based on our previous experiences & emotions. We analyse each situation to determine if it's familiar & discard or reject it if we cannot relate to the feeling. The survival shortcut mechanism becomes a trap into stimulus-response-stimulus-response. There are also hidden, buried or repressed emotions. Irritation or pain moves us to change. If we keep re-experiencing the same emotion & never retire it into wisdom, we cannot evolve. Humanity is mostly stuck in the 1st three seals or chakras: sex, survival & power. The 4th deals with unconditional love. A profound new understanding, a revelatory ah-ha is an ecstasy of the 6th seal whereas the experience of cosmic consciousness, ultimate & intimate connection with God is an orgasm of the 7th seal. We must retire the emotions of the lower seals into wisdom to reach the higher centres. You must love mystical / abstract thoughts to experience the world anew. Enjoy the chaos, embrace the unknown.
Your body can be addicted to emotions. Do you experience destructive states, repetitive situations, the inability to change, feeling helpless, an inner voice saying "I want! Give me, give me!" Receptors meant for internal chemicals respond to external drugs. If bombarded a receptor will shrink up, be desensitised & increase their tolerance so larger does are required to achieve the same high. Emotional addictions explain why someone constantly slags off others or gets into the same abusive relationship, craves sympathy by playing the victim etc. The way to move past repetitive behaviours is to say, "Well, I create that over & over so I must be addicted to it!"
Desire – Choice – Intent – Change
Craving & clinging are bad. Attachment to desire is the same thing as addiction to emotions. You get stuck in old patterns, thinking the same thoughts over & over, unable to think of something new. Desire & passion fuel evolution & change. You have to get to the root: what will achieving that desire fulfil in me? Is it because of an emotional addiction? Will it bring a new experience? If the true desire is being masked by a politically correct one, it is a house divided & that does not work with intent. You need to be single-minded. And who chooses, the personality (old / repeat) or transcendental self (new / let go)? How do I know which desires are ego-based or soul-based?
You cannot solve problems at the same level that created them. Practice pumping up your frontal cortex with yoga or meditation. Why can we not achieve health, wealth & happiness? Because we struggle to stay focussed, to concentrate; our mind wanders & is too attuned to the vibrations of the material plane. Everything is grabbing for our attention. Most people stop because they look for results after a small effort & immediately discount its possibility. We live in a convenience world; we are lazy & impatient. The subatomic world responds to our observation but the average person loses their attention span every 6-10 seconds. How do we overcome that? If we make the effort to sit down & design a new life & spend time feeding it every day like a gardener, you will produce fruit. In the quantum view, the thought is more important (deciding factor) than the action that follows it e.g. murdering your neighbour. In terms of what I am constructing within myself, there is no difference (visualisation & the act itself).
Experiments have found that minds can be entangled. Dr Radin asked 2 people to keep each other in mind & then they were separated to different locations so that no physical communication could occur between them. After wiring them physiologically, they found that when scientifically poking one person, the other flinches. Also, if you shine a light in one's eyes, the other person's exhibitor lobe (the back of the brain) registers a change, demonstrating how they are still entangled even though they are no longer together. By looking at all ESP phenomena as types of entanglement, they are brought under a unified theory e.g. telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis or distant healing. It implies there is a mental space or field where interactions occur and large scale events that attract a lot of attention create a certain mental coherence.
Complex System Theory is built on the notion of feedback loops, how smaller structures affect the large & large affect the small. The concept of self-organising structures or an emergent property comes about as the system evolves into greater complexity. From the cortex down to individual proteins, the brain functions as a parallel processor. Like nested Chinese boxes, properties emerge as we ascend to higher, more integrated levels. Dr Satinover used this to construct his hierarchy of consciousness, where quantum effects are amplified upward, from individual brains to groups, societies & humankind. Both Complexity Theory & Entangled Minds address how things may scale up or aggregate to produce something greater than the sum of its parts.
In psychology, Jung posited the collective unconscious, where universal archetypes arise (child, God, hero, saint), eventually making their way into our conscious behaviour. So when you walk into a room, you are affected by what everyone else is thinking, feeling & experiencing. In sociology, social consciousness describes a certain herd instinct, many minds being coherent around a given subject. Small focussed groups can affect society at large. In biology, The Hypothesis of Formative Causation states that forms of self-organising systems (cells, tissues, organs, organisms, ecosystems) are shaped by morphic fields (a blueprint or template), which could be explained in terms of non-locality in quantum physics.
The Gaia Theory proposed that the planet is a great living being with rivers for circulation, which spurred much interest in ecology. Life on earth appears to be regulated, kept at a constant composition, a level favourable for organisms. But proponents of the theory received criticism that they were implying purpose behind nature's regulation. Teleology from the Greek word Telos (purpose) asserts there is design behind the workings of nature & vitalists believe there is a non-causal life force. Entangled Minds Theory or Connectivity Hypothesis maintains the life force is the morphic field, which is an aggregate of minds and life is not just random mutations but emerges from an ever evolving non-physical force. Consciousness creating reality. We are all connected & there is no real separation between us so what we do to another, we do to an aspect of ourself. "We are all independent cells within the super-organism called humanity." We have a responsibility as co-creators to contribute to the utmost of our ability to improve the future.
P.S. Here is my original post after watching the film years ago.


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