Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

Devolution Of The Human Race – A Short Story

December 17, 2007

Technology has evolved. We are no longer quintessentially human but part of the universal machine. We used our computers to such an extent that they gradually became part of us. Our hands became redundant as voice activation replaced keyboards and remote controls. Headsets became engrained in our brains; wires linked us to the machine. Virtual reality became the norm; anything was possible in this imaginary realm. We could create or destroy; we became the God of our own universe but it was fake, a construct. Like an embryo feeding from an umbilical cord, technology provided everything the physical body required. Nutrients and stimulants oozed through our systems. We were enticed and brought to orgasm, without the need for any human contact. There were no more diseases but we were already incurable; addicted to the electronic impulse. Outside of our utopian reality, we eventually became motionless and our limbs atrophied and retracted into ourselves. We were deformed, putrid; a brain encased in a mass of flesh and metal; still thinking, still breathing but lacking. As our bodies withered, our thoughts were downloaded to the net and expanded throughout the World Wide Web, connecting with other thought patterns to create a collective consciousness, the last semblance of human existence.