Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

9th Insight

April 17, 2005

Reveals how human society will change due to conscious development. A world in which everyone attempts to encourage rather than control is a posture the entire human race will eventually adopt. Once we reach the critical mass and the insights begin to come in on a global scale, the human race will first experience a period of introspection. We’ll start appreciating the beauty of the natural world. We’ll see trees, rivers and mountains as temples of great power to be held in reverence and awe.

In the future, we will intentionally let the rain forests mature and will voluntarily decrease the population so we may live in the most beautiful places. By half way through the millennium, humans will typically live among 500 yr old trees and carefully tended gardens yet within reach of a technologically advanced urban area. The means of survival eg: food, clothing, transport will be totally automated leaving us more time to pursue other endeavours. Our needs will be met without currency, overindulge or laziness.

Guided by our intuitions, everyone will know precisely what to do and when to do it. Our sense of purpose will be satisfied by our own evolution, by the elation of intuitions and then watching as our destinies unfold. A world where humans have slowed down and become more alert, ever vigilant for the next meaningful encounter. Can you visualise human encounters that have this much meaning and significance?

Imagine two people meeting for the first time, each will first observe their energy fields, exposing any manipulations and then will consciously share life stories until messages are revealed. Afterward, each will go onward with their individual journey, but they will be significantly altered. Regardless of general human behaviour, the manuscript says our natural pursuit will lead us to this utopian lifestyle. When we give, we receive in return because of the way energy interacts in the universe. Higher levels of energy and spiritual vibration leads to the speeding up of evolution.

The truth is a synthesis of the scientific and religious views and evolution is the way God created. The manuscript will clarify many religions as they too involve humankind relating to a higher source. Religions become corrupted when leaders are assigned to explain God’s will instead of allowing them to discover this direction within themselves.

We can see that all of human history has prepared us to achieve conscious evolution. We can now increase our energy and experience the coincidences consciously carrying evolution onwards and lifting our vibrations even higher. As our energy level increases, the vibration of the atoms in our bodies increases making us lighter, more purely spiritual. And as humans continue to increase their vibration, groups will suddenly become invisible to those operating at a lower consciousness.

When this happens (during the 3rd millennium), it will demonstrate that we are crossing the barrier between this life and the other world that we came from and shall return to after death. Each person, once they learn that the insights are real, must pass on the message to everyone who is ready for it. Connecting with energy is something humans have to be open to and talking about and expecting, otherwise the whole human race can go back to pretending that life is about having power over others and exploiting the planet. If we go back to doing this then we won’t survive.

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  1. I’m intrestead in knowing if we will have a choice of ageing, if we will be able to live through the next 1000 years if we so choose. For if we start to live off pure light, we should be able to live in these bodies for eternity if we so choose

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