Epiphany {new age/spirituality}

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

April 12, 2005

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

“Have you ever had a hunch or intuition concerning a heart’s desire? Wondered how it might happen, then after forgetting, the opportunity suddenly presents itself through an unexpected meeting or from reading an article.”

The ancient manuscript uncovered in Peru, South America predicts a transformation in human society, a renaissance in consciousness, beginning in the last decades of the 20th Century. It’s not religious in nature but it is spiritual. We’re discovering something new about human life and what our existence means and this will alter human culture dramatically. The manuscript is divided into segments known as insights which human beings will grasp sequentially.

The 1st Insight

Surfaces as a sense of restlessness. Certain moments feel more intense and inspiring but we lack the knowledge to sustain them and are left feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled with a comparatively ordinary existence. We’re so demanding that we’re making relationships impossible and will find it difficult to stay with the same partner for any length of time. However, the restlessness is temporary; we’re finally becoming conscious of what we’re searching for. One has attained the 1st insight when he or she becomes conscious of the coincidences in life.

Have you ever had a hunch or intuition concerning a heart’s desire? Wondered how it might happen, then after forgetting, the opportunity suddenly presents itself through an unexpected meeting or from reading an article. These reoccurring coincidences seem more than mere chance, as if they are destined; as if we are guided by an unexplained force. Hence, nothing happens by chance, if you meet someone, it means you have unfinished business, some information to exchange. We are sensing again as in childhood, there is another side to life that we have yet to discover.

The manuscript predicts that once we reach a critical mass, the entire culture will begin to take coincidental experiences seriously and question in mass what mysterious process underlies life and then we will begin to seriously find out. Humans are now in a position to understand this phenomenon and understand the purpose behind life itself.

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  1. I believe it is possible to perceive metaphysical energy but it takes much practice and hard work, that is if you are not naturally able to alter your perception ie: like psychics and faith healers. I have been able to see what I believe to be the energy surrounding people and objects on occasions. It is a kind of a peripheral vision, like when you stare into space but if you focus too hard, it disappears.

    Try reading books such as ‘Aura reading for beginners,’ which describes basic exercises you can try ie: stare at the space between you fingers and see if you can see energy moving like fireflies. I also sometimes lie on my bed and stare at the window in broad daylight. Eventually, the blue sky turns to purple, which I believe is the highest colour depicting universal energy. Then, I look into the bathroom mirror and the tone changes to a bright magenta, which I believe is the colour of my aura and my face disappears. I can hold it for a certain length of time by breathing into the focus. (Does that make any sense?) It will probably take great disipline for everyday people to be able to see the metaphysical energy for any length of time.

    The most practical and effective exercise though, can be found at the following link by printing out the red and blue circle >> http://www.thiaoouba.com/aura_eye_exercise.htm

  2. see,the key is your faith.u dont think it’s innate to be aware.my friend,i tell you,your mind is god!you are god experiencing itself.
    once you open up to this truth,god will thank you and act upon its nature!!!!
    you dont need tools,now is an important shift in the earth consciousness which lifts our mind.
    you are doubting because of your environment,but i know will and truth are the same thing.
    the truth heals!!!

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